"What's that speaker" and other Froggy tales


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AVForums Super Veteran
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May 10, 2015
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I'm not usually one for promoting a brand or distributor, but Achim has been such a gentleman to deal with, and this is such a special product, that I thought I had to.

I bought Martion Bullfrogs, unheard or seen, based on Achim pushing me to. As most know, I am president of the second hand cheapskate society, so to spend a massive chunk of change on a brand new set of speakers was somewhat out of character.

One of the best audio decisions I've ever made.

They arrived with a stand 'starter pack' - a trampoline base, which Louis from Lerange kindly turned into stands for me.

Ironically, my original decision to purchase was compatibility with my much loved 300b amp. Many amps have replaced it, all have actually worked well. The LM518IA was stupendous.

So how to describe Bullys. They make music. Its that simple. The stage is dimensionally accurate (height and depth are astounding), and they disappear - quite a feat for this massive cube. Musicians are anchored in space, and the experience is coherent and utterly convincing.

Add to this a tonal accuracy that's ever so slightly on the warm side, but utterly full range (these things slam when required) and you have an unmatched musical experience.

These are speakers to fall in love with. I suspect to live with.

Many have listened over the past few months. Would be interesting for them to comment. Who knows, Achim may sell more than a couple of pairs a year? Lord knows they should sell like hotcakes.


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