I'm looking to get myself a power conditioner/filter. I've decided on going for Furman and unsurprisingly there are a plethora of options.
The reference line is crazy expensive and not an option. It seems that the AC 210A: https://www.furmanpower.com/product/10a-two-outlet-power-conditioner-export-AC-210A%20E is popular among the audiophile crowd and has a few unique features.
But there is also the M10XE: https://www.furmanpower.com/product/10a-standard-power-conditioner-230v-M-10X%20E
which is allot cheaper, has more outlets and provides the same level of surge protection.
Clearly, the AC 210A has more features, but I'm wondering if it is worth the extra expenditure. I want some decent filtering and surge protection. Not sure about the benefits of anything over and above that. I'd be keen to hear the opinion and experience of those that have used these pieces of kit.
The reference line is crazy expensive and not an option. It seems that the AC 210A: https://www.furmanpower.com/product/10a-two-outlet-power-conditioner-export-AC-210A%20E is popular among the audiophile crowd and has a few unique features.
But there is also the M10XE: https://www.furmanpower.com/product/10a-standard-power-conditioner-230v-M-10X%20E
which is allot cheaper, has more outlets and provides the same level of surge protection.
Clearly, the AC 210A has more features, but I'm wondering if it is worth the extra expenditure. I want some decent filtering and surge protection. Not sure about the benefits of anything over and above that. I'd be keen to hear the opinion and experience of those that have used these pieces of kit.