You don't know what you're missing


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AVForums Super Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
May 10, 2015
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As you may have noticed from the classifieds section, I have been going through a lot of equipment to get my system to where I want it.

Its close, and I'd like to try a different speaker. The Zu Druids are singing, but we're lacking that last bit of bass definition and depth, and the kids and highs had a slight bite. Their strengths were irrefutable, though.

And then I installed my newly rebuilt vdH Revelation.

I had forgotten how good these cables are. How they seemingly add an octave to the bass, how the mid-range gains an almost possible lucidity. How the treble loses all grain.

Sure, not for all systems. But for my ears, in this system. Properly drool worthy.

And those of you who don't (won't) believe me don't know what your missing.

I love pulling wire.

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