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    Amp Reserve Power & Brute Wattage needed even at Low Volumes?

    Many years ao I also believed that an amp was an amp was an amp, but as you mention the venerable 3020, that was the amplifier that made me realise that amps made a difference. I 1980 I was shopping around for an amplifier, slowly building up some kind of hifi as I was alleviated of my first...
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    Joke for the day

    Son gets home and excitedly tells his dad that he has just lost his virginity. Dad is very excited about the news and pours his son and himself a glass of Brandy to celebrate his "coming of age" Halfway through the Brandy the son says "Dad may I ask you something more abut losing my...
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    OMG - The Pink Bulls

    Pink gat? ;D
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    Anyone ever had dealings with Mr Klaus Knopf in Rugby,Cape Town?

    I called him, his phone rang, he answered "Hello, hello, hello, hello..." I said nothing ;D
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    Old speakers, new sound. Valve audio.

    True, but I think now I would prefer to be in the dressing room of a Victoria's Secret underwear show ;D Let's not heckle the man too much, he did say he was drooling ;D
  6. A bad drivers with photo`s)

    How can I forget about that? ;D
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    Is this our very own Klaus?

    Looks like a boring bunch! No wonder Mr/Dr/Santa Klaus has to go to such extremes to get some excitement ;D
  8. A bad drivers with photo`s)

    With a BeeEm and a Fortuner it's hardly surprising ;D
  9. A bad drivers with photo`s)

    You also sit VERY low in the driver's seat, your nose just sticking out above the lower rim of the steering wheel, baseball cap ascew? ;D
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    OMG - The Pink Bulls

    Now it will be "En ken jy die magtige dreuning van pienk en blou lippies" ;D
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    Big speakers, small house

    Naw, just less exclusive ;D
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    Big speakers, small house

    This reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend some time ago. We discussed how people refer to unanimated objects as if they are living beings - a typical example will be "I used the Bee Em to work today" or in this case "The Klipsch RF-82's will have to rest a bit" Now this got me...
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    OMG - The Pink Bulls

    B.P.P.? ;D
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    Electronic cigarettes

    Jeesh! You won't know if you are coming or going ;D
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    Electronic cigarettes

    Maybe I am understanding this wrong, but does it not work better if you both keep going for a bit longer? ;D
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    Conversation with my 3 year old daughter

    En sy wys sy is drie jaar oud! ;D I agree that you should be able to record everything they do and say from the ages of 3 to 7(video as well) Our 5 year old daughter comes up with the best questions as well as reasons why she should or should'nt do things. The latest question I had to field...
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    And he believes her ;D
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    subs and reverse option?

    You see where my mental picture comes from ;D
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    Want to upgrade my speakers

    As many members, as many opinions you may get. The best advice I can give is for you to audition speakers in that price range and then decide for yourself which sounds the best. Preferably try to get a home audition in order to hear how well a set of speakers integrate with the rest of your...