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  1. marantz123

    New Restoration Project

    Shew... Those look very much like Radford monoblocks! Just not sure of the model, they not STA, could be K series or MA series. Those are very likely Partridge transformers. The valve line up is also the Radford set up EF86/ECF82/EL34. Visual design also very much like Radfords other models...
  2. marantz123

    What are you reading?

    "Children of Sugarcane" by Joanne Joseph.
  3. marantz123

    Supersonic one-eleven (re-upload)

    That green capacitor is likely part of the output stage stability circuit (a Zobel-like configuration) , possibly working with those ceramic power resistors grounded at the speaker connectors. A partly damaged output transistor stage is what I suspect at this point as it will shift your measured...
  4. marantz123

    Kenwood KR-V5090

    Also, check the main rectifier diodes which feed the filter capacitors. A bad diode could also cause these symptoms.
  5. marantz123

    Kenwood KR-V5090

    Possibly the filter capacitors need replacement.
  6. marantz123

    Supersonic T.L111L speakers

    Isophon prepared baffle. Nice, has a rich sound.
  7. marantz123

    Supersonic one-eleven (re-upload)

    Another pic of my amp.
  8. marantz123

    Supersonic one-eleven (re-upload)

    Pic of the back where speaker outputs are, and associated switch (back left). Clean that switch and those speaker terminals as well. I recall there being a headphones socket near there as well... clean that socket and it's built in switch / disconnect mechanism (if it has one). Was interesting...
  9. marantz123

    Supersonic one-eleven (re-upload)

    Ok, so you have some (amplifier?) experience, that helps. Since you are leaning towards a problem with one of the power amp boards, fortunately they are separate boards for left and right channels... The easiest start in localising further is to compare resistance values at various points across...
  10. marantz123

    Supersonic one-eleven (re-upload)

    You may need the help of an electronics technician who knows amplifier repair. Where are you located?... we have many experienced repair techs on this forum who may be able to assist, possibly someone closer to your area.. If you have the skills/knowledge and some basic tools (solder iron...
  11. marantz123

    Supersonic one-eleven (re-upload)

    As a first resort, clean all switches and potentiometers with a suitable switch cleaner spray (various on the market, forumites may advise, or search the forum for threads on the products to use). It seems you swopped red connectors (from the preamp?) between the amp boards and the initially...
  12. marantz123

    Middle East tensions, the Geopolitical Alliances and how it impacts all of us

    Clearly, the impact to us (part of the title) is that these topics upset this forum, forumites start verbally attacking each other, there's no value in discussion as open-mindedness is lacking and bias seems to rule each participant to the extent that participation becomes toxic in itself...
  13. marantz123

    Changing continuous 12V trigger to pulsed on/off trigger for Power Amp circuit

    You could work around a simpler circuit for this. Also consider using a solid state relay, they work well. I would look at a prototype as follows. The 10k resistor provides a tiny static load and also serves as a discharge path when powering down. The electrolytic capacitor smooths the switching...
  14. marantz123

    Marantz pm-57 sound cutting out issue

    A few functions occur there. Switch-on delay (speaker protection/disconnect for a few seconds after power up) and speaker disconnect in the case of excessive DC offset. I have a similar intermittent/occasional issue with an amplifier channel and my plan is to set up a DC milli-voltmeter to...
  15. marantz123

    Repair Portable Speaker PA15B

    Sounds like leaky semiconductors, maybe some bad capacitors also possible here. If you have the skills, study the circuit, pull the small sig BJTs for junction resistance, diode tests and hfe testing. Check for dry joints. Probably an initial test, since you have powered it up already would be...
  16. marantz123

    Scott's Shipping Services

    @ScottulusMaximus we have no immediate intention of closing your account/profile as your customers need this space as a resource towards resolve.
  17. marantz123

    Cambridge Audio Azur 640a V2

    You have to advertise it in the for sale section. They can range anywhere from R1500 - R3000 or so depending on condition, remote control, current market / buyer interest.
  18. marantz123

    Middle East tensions, the Geopolitical Alliances and how it impacts all of us

    This is a multi-faceted collective of "forums" ranging widely from general life to food, technology and accommodates personal views and International (only) world news debate, which is moderated and reported on by forumites should something be out of order. Having said that, our anchor is and...
  19. marantz123

    Middle East tensions, the Geopolitical Alliances and how it impacts all of us

    Just a general notice of awareness, this is a controversial topic, please report any content that's out of order. Participate thoughtfully, topic-specific and maintain respect. This topic/thread is appropriately located in the "Open Talk" forum. If your interest resides exclusively in specific...
  20. marantz123

    Supersonic Chairman radio

    A nice thread (link below) on the Supersonic One Eleven, and it's @G Man grand dad who designed and built products for Supersonic. Still have a One Eleven set packed away.