Crackling/harshness in treble on new AVR


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New member
Mar 19, 2017
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Cape town
A friend of mine recently bought a surround system. It's a Pioneer VSX 532 with a Mission MX 3, surround package.

I was helping him figure out why things sounded bad and there seems to be really bad crackling/tearing sounds at certain treble frequency's it's not noticible at extremely soft volumes but anything that is listenable starts sounding VERY bad. 

It's especially noticible with acoustic guitars. The opening 20 seconds of "You've haunted me all my life" by Deathcab for Cutie is very bad.

It happens on all channels with all the speakers and also from all the inputs (HDMI, Optical, RCA and Bluetooth). I've tried cwapping the fronts with the rears and the same thing happens.

I suspect there is a fault with the AVR as it seems very unlikely that all 5 Mission speakers are faulty. Both the speakers and the AVR are brand new. Both the Pioneer and the Speakers have received decent reviews so I don't think this is normal.

Is this a common problem with AVR's in general or Pioneer specifically?