Knysna Thunderstorms Becoming Like Joburg Storms


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Where Music & Emotions Meet
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Garden Route
I've noticed over the last two years that we getting more and more bad thunder storms in Knysna, which lead me to buy a Furman surge protector.

Last night we had a bad storm which felt like it was right above my house, even though I have the Furman my gut told me to unplug my equipment, well it wasn't a matter of seconds after I unplugged my equipment we had a strike and then poof all the lights that were on blew, they gave off a bright spark and then made a weird sound, phew that was a close call, not sure how the Furman would've fairer but I'm glad I didn't find out, the power is still out... now the wait to see what's blown and what's not, praying the tv is fine  :pray:

This is very strange for Knysna and it's  becoming more frequent, this was the third thunderstorm in a row, Wed, Thur and now last night, never had that once in the 14 years I've been living here..