My taste of DIY speakers


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AVForums Member
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
Thought I will share my first build with you guys. Like everyone on this site I enjoy music but more so the art of good sound and are sometimes dumb found when I read the forums on what extend you need to go to get it. Unfortunately it is not a option for me as the finance doesn't allow me to spoil myself. The only way I thought to get in the lower bracket of halve decent sounds is to go the diy route, at least for the speakers. The problem is I didn't want it to look DIY,if you know what I mean. Hate stuff that looks homebuild.
I have read forums, articles and instructions on the diy way for the last six months. but it is way over my knowledge base so I opt for a predesign set.
but before I wanted to spend money I thought of putting something together to see if I am happy with the end result.
No script was follow and I think I broke every rule in the not what to do book, But like I said it was alot of experimenting mainly with the build and finish.
Speakers was 6.5" from the shelve, don't laugh now, R55 a each. tweeters was scares and I paid about R200 to much for them at R150 each, and don't forget the off the shelve two way crossover. Well two months later I had the pleasure of plugging them in and it brought a big smile to my face. They actually make music. The mids is full and the uppers clear, bass is tight but not as low as I would have liked. On a overall score they kill my Sony's on every level. And most important the finish is top quality. One or two improvements or do things in a different way but overall will never say they are homemade, just the way I like it. I think I have reach my objective and I am now happy to spend some money on a predesign kit and know what I have to do.
PS. These ones is going to my boet as a birthday gift. He shed a tear when he heard and saw them. ;D ;)[img]