Why do people invest in HT...?


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Nico V

AVForums Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
Feb 26, 2013
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This is something I've been pondering over for a while now. Why do people buy HT systems, with 5, 7, 9, 11 speakers and 1 or 2 subs? Reason behind my silly ponderance is that, when one actually goes to a (decent) cinema, it has a specific soundstage - unmistakebly movie. It "sounds like a movie." It has the grandure and scale that one would expect from a cinema. Is it reeeaaallyy possible to replicate that soundstage and "movie sound" in your home? Even if you spent R0.5m to upgrade your listening room into a home cinema accoustic-wise? Regardless of what home-use amp/receiver you use, and regardless of what speakers you use, it is doubtful (at least in my humble experience) that you'll get a cinema-like soundstage where the soundtrack "sounds like a movie." Yes, of course the home HT kit will sound clear, even audiophile-like when you start spending huge Bucks on it. It might be spectacularly awesome sound.  Even a piano or cello can sound brilliant in the "Vienna Hall" or "Jazz" sound modes. Van Halen's live concert can have you rocking, but isn't it in hi-fi style? But when viewing a movie, does it sound like a movie, i.e, does it accomplish the actual goal of replicating cinema sound in your home? I'm not so sure. Hence the conclusive question: Why spend so much on an intricate 7, 9, 11 channel HT system when could well be missing the original objective of bringing movies home - cinema style...? 