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  1. s1n0

    A good feeling

    That's what it's all about, and very eloquently written. Thanks for sharing the experience and well done Stefan!
  2. s1n0

    WTB Sennies

    Ha, don't get me wrong, I really don't mind that ppl don't like HD800, there are a few well regarded brands that consistently get good reviews that I just don't like the sound of, at the end of the day I appreciate that it comes down to personal preference. BTW: HD800 not the only headphones I...
  3. s1n0

    WTB Sennies

    Mr Rotten: If I were you, I would hang on to the HD800 for a little while longer ...try them with different components, I believe they are the best dynamic, radial headphones in the world! (magnetic planers and particularly electrostatics would be excluded from this category) Admittedly my...
  4. s1n0

    how to upgrade your setup when you broke

    1. Take a front loaded bass reflex bin and face it directly into a corner of your room, leaving at least a 20cm gap between the speaker and the walls on either side; 2. put a square board / table top on top of the bin, fitting snugly into the corner and put something heavy on it to weigh it...
  5. s1n0

    Do high end Blu Ray players still hold their ground with new gen TV's?

    Naughty: thanks dude! I read up a bit on the impending ultra HD players, you guys are spot on, thank you for the advice.
  6. s1n0

    Do high end Blu Ray players still hold their ground with new gen TV's?

    Hello! I need some advice on a Blu Ray player please: I very recently took the 4k plunge with a LG 55" OLED 4k TV. After applying generic, fairly neutral, night viewing settings (found here I was very impressed with the image quality, even using a...
  7. s1n0

    How much power.

    It depends on how loud you listen, how efficient your speakers are and how wide (particularly low) a frequency spectrum you would like them to cover... Speakers are probably the least efficient part of the audio chain (they are not great at transferring electric energy generated at the amp into...
  8. s1n0

    System Building - Proportional Spend

    From everything I've researched, read and heard (on 3 occasions so far) BJ, Shunyata is THE preferred power conditioning solution out there. Too many good recording studios actually list it in their equipment list for it not to make a real difference. After BJs very spirited point, I may...
  9. s1n0

    System Building - Proportional Spend

    Also worth mentioning that some, who are smarter than I when it comes to systems spend, would spend more on room acoustic treatment and be better off for it.
  10. s1n0

    System Building - Proportional Spend

    It's subjective and would change in different budget brackets... I'd like to think from a sensible ratio that the value of my source (LPs & CDs) to equipment should be around 50:50, but in reality it's more like 30:70. A seemingly sensible ratio to me right now: 30% speakers 25% amplification...
  11. s1n0

    General consensus/Advice on Mono blocks

    I would give your future amp a good listen in bridged / mono mode vs stereo first... I'm sure it's not all amps, but I find some loose something of their 'sharpness' (for want of a better word I can't think of right now)  in bridged mode ...almost like a tiny phasing error or blurring that...
  12. s1n0

    My perception of a good setup ruined by valves and high efficient drivers

    That looks like one insanely cool system!
  13. s1n0

    Technics SL-1210MK2 : Refurb

    I could look at pictures of SL1200s all day... mistrmint has sold a few, sourced a few and worked on a few for me over the years... work is always immaculate and a pleasure to deal with! MistrSL1200!
  14. s1n0

    Needledrops: suggestions re ADC and software.

    I can let you know what I've used but can't suggest that it's the best option available as I haven't had exposure to everything out there... Hardware: . Furutech GT40 (actually pretty good and very versatile but I thought NI had the edge) . NI Traktor 10 (go into settings, undo all the...
  15. s1n0

    Recording off records - which cartridge to use?

    My vote is for the more neutral cart (if it's a democratic thing), I've been enjoying vinyl recorded at 24bit (96khz), actually even prefer some recordings to an original CD of the same track. The file size becomes untenable so FLAC may be a good option. The difference is subtle but noticeable...
  16. s1n0

    Loudness button

    I've seen some custom processors / amps that were build for a specific pair of speakers early 90s, a prominent French brand was one of them that stands out: they used a compression algorithm that kicked in over a certain volume, but not across the entire spectrum, it only restrict problematic...
  17. s1n0

    Listening companion

  18. s1n0

    2014 AXPONA Fremer Turntable Seminar

    Nice tutorial, thanks for posting! Does anyone know of someone local to SA selling quality generic alignment protractors or test vinyls as used in the link above?
  19. s1n0

    Well known musicians and their audio systems

    From the photo above, it appears that Nora Jones is also using the Leben cs300x(s) & SL1200 combination... I'm a huge fan of both, they are both iconic, have an amazingly solid build quality to them, and do what it says on the tin and then some. (I wonder what carts they using on the 1200s??)...