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  1. G

    Before she ******* drives me insane. Anyone here that uses iPods?

    yes, in iTunes just import the tracks..
  2. G

    Before she ******* drives me insane. Anyone here that uses iPods?

    You can only do it from iTunes or Mediamonkey...
  3. G

    do it all phone...

    and another 50000 when you move to iPhone ;D
  4. G

    Which uncapped ADSL provider

    300 gigs... If their account was truly uncapped at 4 meg I should be theoretically be able to download 1TB in a month...pathetic 3rd world ADSL crap >:(
  5. G

    Which uncapped ADSL provider

    Mweb sent me a warning for abusing their uncapped 4 meg account ??? So is it uncapped or not?? Wtf... >:(
  6. G

    Magnepan Tympani IIIB

    why is this thread under Classifieds? :-\
  7. G

    Subaru advice...

    if it is the XT model then it is the turbo charger...loved my XT to bits!!!!
  8. G

    I hate Diana Krall

    I have never seen her bottom ;D
  9. G

    I hate Diana Krall

    Patricia Barber being a bit more cerebral than Diana Krall would obviously not engage the average forum dweller... ;D
  10. G

    Shopping for a Dac

    Matrix Quattro is simply outstanding and seems to be based upon the Benchmark DAC with some improvements added [and is 1\3 the price]
  11. G

    Yamaha 2067 & Polk RTi-9s & Behringer power amp

    perhaps read this
  12. G

    Norh marble 9.0 speakers...anyone else own them?

    Anyone else in South Africa lucky to own a pair of these?
  13. G

    Whats on the TT...

  14. G

    Whats on the TT...

  15. G

    Whats on the TT...

  16. G

    Whats on the TT...

  17. G

    Whats on the TT...

  18. G

    Whats on the TT...

  19. G

    Robert Grodinsky Research model 4 preamp?
  20. G

    best computer speakers ever?