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  1. rotorbug

    Valve amplification?

    I am running my power hungry B&W 805 Matrix speakers off an 80Watt hybrid valve amplifier, Unison Research Unico amplifier. It drives the 805's really well, with a tight tuneful base.
  2. rotorbug

    Will analog go full circle?

    Yes, provided record is perfectly round!
  3. rotorbug

    Olive Music server/CD player
  4. rotorbug

    Who reads What hifi South Africa edition

    I read it, but don't buy every issue. We cant get the other mags like Hi-Fi Choice here in PE, unless on special order. If you have an iPad, you can purchase these magazines online.
  5. rotorbug


    Mark Levinson also do car audio. McIntosh feature their products in a lot of movies. You will see in fancy apartments in movies, McIntosh Audio gear as product placement, a bit like Apple products in some movies.
  6. rotorbug

    Equipment Break in period

    Interesting view point from Paul Barton, PSB speaker designer on running in speakers. "Finally, and perhaps most controversially, Barton talks about the supposed break-in effect of components that has become so popular in audio today. Break-in refers to running components for a long time...
  7. rotorbug

    Nice clone build

    Wow, nice work!
  8. rotorbug

    ECC82 Valves

    I have seen another Unison Research user saying he tried all the different valves and settled on Tung Sols Black Glass. They improved the sound everywhere.
  9. rotorbug

    ECC82 Valves

    Yes, please tell us where you purchased them from.
  10. rotorbug

    Stand alone cd player?

    Marantz CD6004 is a good buy but has a smooth warmer balance. Mine took nearly 300 hours to settle down.
  11. rotorbug

    like sands through the speaker stand, so are the days of our lives...

    Some guys mix beach sand with lead shot to increase the weight.
  12. rotorbug

    banana plugs

    Try the WBT range
  13. rotorbug

    Walk off the earth - Brilliant guitar playing

    Wal off the earth off the earth Apparently a few of the band members are blind.
  14. rotorbug

    Tube dampers

    Anyone tried these tube dampers?
  15. rotorbug

    ECC82 Valves

    Thanks, the burn in time was my next question.
  16. rotorbug

    ECC82 Valves

    Anyone got any experience is upgrading valves to improve sound. I just want more of the sound without trading anything. Some forums recommend Vintage Mullard CV4003 valves.
  17. rotorbug

    Apple Samsung rivalry

    The iPhone is brilliant with it's plethora of apps. I fly commercially and the weather apps are invaluable on route. No other phone has the range of aviation apps. Howver, I think Apple could supply iTunes for other mobile operating systems, like Android.
  18. rotorbug

    ECC82 Valves

    Ok thanks, nothing to worry about yet!
  19. rotorbug

    ECC82 Valves

    Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape. Do valves degrade over time?
  20. rotorbug

    Unison Reasearch

    Thanks Jaco!