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  1. zero

    Retrenched, franchising an option?

    Hi guys, Thanks for the comments, they all help the cause. Rodney I have done some homework on the fast food industry as the business model is straight forward and shows some growth. I agree that a big established brand name will be the best bet in the franchise world. But as you said the big...
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    Retrenched, franchising an option?

    Anyone here own a small franchise or have experience in the franchise business world? Father in law have been retrenched and want out of his line of profession. He is still very capable work wise and want to start some line of revenue. He is not willing to risk his retirement savings but have...
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    Ear-worm song for the day

    Blacklist episode put this in my head a couple of days ago.
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    Musical Subwoofer Advice Please

    Wanda. First off , my apologies as my previous post was coming more from a stereo outlook, than a single unit in HT use. Unfortunately I only heard the MX in an entry HT setup. Fine for that application, but not for mine. I specifically had a stereo application in mind to compliment the 10.6's...
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    Musical Subwoofer Advice Please

    @Wanda. I use a set of 10.6 & SW 150's in my living room system. The SW's is run in stereo and the setup is used for stereo and HT with a Cambridge Audio Azur 650R. I found them pacey with decent extension and sounding musical for a ported design. Extremely good value versus DIY and respected...
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    Fiio X5 or similar

    Hi Gents, Any news on this venture?
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    Rant & Rave - Audico Online

    Can confirm that I had a similar good experience with Audico online. When approached they went out of their way to assist, even when it meant cutting into their profit margin.
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    Tunes for driving

    Some nice tunes Johnny. Attie, I'm a true Philistine. My factory CD player is a really crappy source so I use a cheap Sansa Clip+ with extended storage. I fill it with whatever is handy from my digital collection and set it on random. Deleting the offensive tracks as I go. Works great for a...
  9. zero

    Building a Reference Class System

    Nobel quest sir, best of luck! And I if may add a no. 15.  - Don't stop enjoying the music.
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    Members' Kit pics

    Sho...!  Pretty which ever way.
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    Ear-worm song for the day

    Thanks, enjoyed that! Nice SA song there. Pity I can't find the album. The Spectres - 'Be-Bop Pop' was my local worm a while back. Had it so bad, I tracked down a copy of 'Vox Populi'.  :BWAHAHAH:
  12. zero

    In-ear headphones up R1000

    Does it need to be an 'sports/active' set? I got the impression some feel the normal in ear sets work just as well and usually sound better vs similar priced 'sport' sets. As I'm allergic to fitness activities I can't comment, but must add that my Shure 315 over ear set do fit very securely...
  13. zero

    DAC or no DAC

    Hi guys. I am brand new to critical listening and know nothing really, so can only offer my very limited personal opinion/experience. I think I get the general idea of the arguments. But. The first time I heard the Vivere(a GearSlave creation) with all kinds of equipment I was blown away. Kudos...
  14. zero

    New Kef reference - you like???

    Looks like something LG/Samsung would make? And what is up with these flat / all most no surround designs? Can you say lean base or one heck of a folded horn...    :sh1tstirrer:
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    Ear-worm song for the day

    Ha... thanks for that BWS. Followed a suggested link after the above and I guess this is going to be it for me the next day or two.
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    Youtube!! Links to Great Songs

    Thanks alternativeroute. Enjoyed this one too.. The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain's take on "Wuthering Heights"
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    Message from JimGore - take 2

    Ian, This is hard warming to see. Your work is one of the reasons I visit/joined this forum. Good luck with your site! Hope to see you around and to visit the new site soon. Jaco
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    DIY Audio Showcase 2013 Gauteng

    Hi Guys, The DIY get together was one of the main reasons I joined. And it did not disappoint. Myself and my buddy Johann had a great time and really enjoyed all the projects on show. You all deserve applause. A real eye opener to what can be achieved. Its all been said, but thanks again to...
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    Live Sound Quality & How do I know I'm not going to waste my money on a concert

    Have to agree on the State Theater/Pretoria and Teatro/Montecasino. Although not perfect, the State Theater had me spellbound by sound reproduction alone at times. I have a suspicion artists have a big influence on the sound as well. Once attended an open air concert(never heard really good...
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    Introductions Thread

    Hi All, Long time lurker here. Always enjoyed the DIY section. Amazing what the crowd there achieves with courage and skill. I am an extreme novice, but enjoy good music and most importantly good sound(witch is probably at best mediocre to you audiophile guys). Decided to finally join as I...